• Core
  • Migration Guide

Migration Guide

If you are coming from an earlier version of @wagmi/core, you will need to make sure to update the following APIs listed below.

0.8.x Breaking changes

Chain exports

With the introduction of the @wagmi/core/chains entrypoint, @wagmi/core no longer exports the following:

  • chain
  • allChains
  • defaultChains
  • defaultL2Chains
  • chainId
  • etherscanBlockExplorers
  • alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls, publicRpcUrls

Read below for migration steps.

Removed chain

The chain export has been removed. @wagmi/core now only exports the mainnet & goerli chains. If you need to use an alternative chain (polygon, optimism, etc), you will need to import it from the @wagmi/core/chains entrypoint.

import {
- chain
} from '@wagmi/core'
+ import { mainnet, polygon, optimism } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
const { ... } = configureChains(
- [chain.mainnet, chain.polygon, chain.optimism],
+ [mainnet, polygon, optimism],

Removed allChains

The allChains export has been removed. If you need a list of all chains, you can utilize @wagmi/core/chains entrypoint.

- import { allChains } from '@wagmi/core'
+ import * as allChains from '@wagmi/core/chains'
const { ... } = configureChains(allChains, ...)

Removed defaultChains & defaultL2Chains

The defaultChains & defaultL2Chains exports have been removed. If you still need the defaultChains or defaultL2Chains exports, you can build them yourself:

- import { defaultChains } from '@wagmi/core'
+ import { mainnet, goerli } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
+ const defaultChains = [mainnet, goerli]

The defaultChains export was previously populated with mainnet & goerli.

- import { defaultL2Chains } from '@wagmi/core'
+ import {
+   arbitrum,
+   arbitrumGoerli,
+   polygon,
+   polygonMumbai,
+   optimism,
+   optimismGoerli
+ } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
+ const defaultL2Chains = [
+  arbitrum,
+  arbitrumGoerli,
+  polygon,
+  polygonMumbai,
+  optimism
+  optimismGoerli
+ ]

The defaultL2Chains export was previously populated with arbitrum & optimism.

Removed chainId

The chainId export has been removed. You can extract a chain ID from the chain itself.

- import { chainId } from '@wagmi/core'
+ import { mainnet, polygon, optimism } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
-const mainnetChainId = chainId.mainnet
-const polygonChainId = chainId.polygon
-const optimismChainId = chainId.optimism
+const mainnetChainId = mainnet.chainId
+const polygonChainId = polygon.chainId
+const optimismChainId = optimism.chainId

Removed etherscanBlockExplorers

The etherscanBlockExplorers export has been removed. You can extract a block explorer from the chain itself.

- import { etherscanBlockExplorers } from '@wagmi/core'
+ import { mainnet, polygon, optimism } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
-const mainnetEtherscanBlockExplorer = etherscanBlockExplorers.mainnet
-const polygonEtherscanBlockExplorer = etherscanBlockExplorers.polygon
-const optimismEtherscanBlockExplorer = etherscanBlockExplorers.optimism
+const mainnetEtherscanBlockExplorer = mainnet.blockExplorers.default
+const polygonEtherscanBlockExplorer = polygon.blockExplorers.default
+const optimismEtherscanBlockExplorer = optimism.blockExplorers.default

Removed alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls & publicRpcUrls

The alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls & publicRpcUrls exports have been removed. You can extract a RPC URL from the chain itself.

- import { alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls, publicRpcUrls } from '@wagmi/core'
+ import { mainnet } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
-const mainnetAlchemyRpcUrl = alchemyRpcUrls.mainnet
-const mainnetInfuraRpcUrl = infuraRpcUrls.mainnet
-const mainnetOptimismRpcUrl = publicRpcUrls.mainnet
+const mainnetAlchemyRpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.alchemy
+const mainnetInfuraRpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.infura
+const mainnetOptimismRpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.optimism

Chain type


The rpcUrls shape has changed to include an array of URLs, and also the transport method (http or webSocket):

type Chain = {
  rpcUrls: {
-   [key: string]: string
+   [key: string]: {
+     http: string[]
+     webSocket: string[]
+   }

Note that you will also need to ensure that usage is migrated:

- const rpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.alchemy
+ const rpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.alchemy.http[0]


The multicall and ens attributes have been moved into the contracts object:

type Contract = {
  address: Address
  blockCreated?: number
type Chain = {
- multicall: Contract
- ens: Contract
+ contracts: {
+   multicall3: Contract
+   ensRegistry: Contract
+ }

Note that you will also need to ensure that usage is migrated:

- const multicallContract = mainnet.multicall
+ const multicallContract = mainnet.contracts.multicall3


Behavioral changes

waitForTransaction will throw an error if the transaction has been reverted or cancelled.

Configuration changes

Removed the wait config option on waitForTransaction. Use the transaction hash instead.

const { data } = await waitForTransaction({
- wait: transaction.wait
+ hash: transaction.hash